Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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From The Lecturer's Desk
From the Lecturer’s Desk: Congratulations to All!

By David Roberts, CT State Grange Lecturer

  NOVEMBER 1, 2023 --

It is exciting to see so many wonderful activities happening around our Grange world. Many of you reading this column joined with other fellow Grangers and had fun volunteering at the Big E and had the opportunity to meet Grangers from other New England States and from as far away as Alaska. If you haven’t volunteered at the Big E, watch for an invitation next year and volunteer for one or more days to support Grange and have a fun time to boot.

By the time you read this column, the Connecticut State Grange Lecturer’s Department will have completed its 2023 grant from the National Grange Foundation to promote a deaf awareness event here in Connecticut. Our planning committee worked hard over the course of many months with the American School for the Deaf and we think our preparation paid off for two outstanding events to promote deaf awareness. On Monday, October 30, Grange members participated in a Trunk or Treat event at the American School for the Deaf front parking lot horseshoe. On Tuesday, October 31, Grange members hosted a Costume Parade and Library Maze for the students and teachers inside the American School for the Deaf. Grange themes and images were worked into this fun event to help these students in Pre-K through Grade 5 celebrate Halloween and learn about the importance of agriculture to our daily lives. The Grange hosted a table of goodies (comic books, stickers, etc.) to hand out to the students in the maze. Thank you to all who volunteered!

I hope many of you participated in our seventh quarterly Connecticut State Grange Lecturers Roundup held via Zoom on Sunday, September 17, from 7:00 – 8:00 PM. If you would like a recording of this event, please email me at Granbydavidroberts@gmail.com or call me at 860-469-5067 for the Zoom recording information. Our next Lecturers Roundup will be held on Sunday, November 19, at 7:00 PM, and our Special Guest will be Amanda Brozana-Rios, National Grange Membership and Leadership Development Director. I will get the Zoom information out to all or you can contact me directly. We finished up one Grange Year (2022-2023) and started a new Grange Year (2023-2024) on October 1st, so that means that it is time to recognize Grange Lecturers who earned awards for serving their Grange and their community. Awards were distributed at State Convention during the Celebration Banquet on Friday, October 20th, at 7:00 PM. For the 2022-2023 Grange Year, ELEVEN Granges qualified for the Lecturer’s Appreciation Award (up from seven in 2021-2022) and TWO Granges qualified for the Honor Lecturer’s Award (down from six in 2021-2022). Here are the worthy 2022-2023 recipients:


Cheshire #23 (Emily Alexander/Barbara Kulisch/Jane Miller); Greenfield Hill #133 (Lori Golias); Hemlock #182 (Nancy Swanson); North              Stonington #138  (Sue  Pianka); Riverton #169 (Raine Pedersen); Stonington #168 (Lila Cleveland); Taghhannuck #100 (Kathy Hayden); Vernon  #52  (Cherie Robinson); Eastern CT Pomona #14 (Cherie Robinson); Mountain Laurel Pomona #15 (Debbie Vail); Nutmeg Pomona #16 (Robert Charbonneau)


Riverton #169 (Raine Pedersen); Eastern CT Pomona #14 (Cherie Robinson)

Congratulations to all Granges and  Grange  Lecturers/Program Directors! Well done.

Finally, I am pleased to report that we are within dollars of raising the $2,000 needed for the bronze plaque for the State Grange Plot in Peoples State Forest. I am collaborating with staff from the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection to finalize details on plaque placement on a boulder on The Grange Plot. All donors will be recognized at the dedication ceremony and we are so excited to finally preserve this important piece of Grange history from 1930. Watch for information on an upcoming dedication ceremony.

Please let me know if you need any help for your Grange or a speaker, as I enjoy visiting other Granges as your State Grange Lecturer.



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