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Around The Grange
Pomona Grange Update

By Todd Gelineau, State Grange Secretary

  FEBRUARY 6, 2018 --

Connecticut’s three new Pomonas are working hard to get organized and open for business.  Here’s what we know:


On January 20, the members of Pomona A gathered at Eureka Grange in New Hartford (Nepaug) for the Organizational Meeting of the Pomona.  The by-laws drafted by the committee were reviewed and this Pomona will meet quarterly and mostly on Saturdays at 4:00 P.M. at locations to be determined.  One meeting will be held on a Sunday at 2:00.

The name selected by this Pomona is:  MOUNTAIN LAUREL POMONA

As will be the case with all three new Pomonas, the number will be assigned by National Grange and will likely be the next three numbers unused by the Conn. State Grange (#14, 15 and 16) and will also most likely be determined by the order in which the Charter Applications are submitted to National Grange.

The new Master of Mountain Laurel Pomona is Peter Keefe of Winchester Grange #74 and current Pomona Deputy.  A full slate of officers was elected at this meeting with a few elected in absentia.  Following the meeting, Brother Keefe tracked down those members and three of the five elected in absentia accepted.  Unfortunately, the person elected Secretary and the one year Executive Committee member declined.  As it is necessary for a Secretary to be listed on the Charter Application, the election of a new Secretary and the one Exec. Comm. Member will be held at the March meeting of Mountain Laurel.  Once this is done, the Charter Application can be completed and submitted to National.



The organizational meeting for this Pomona has not yet been set.  The By-Laws Committee is still working on their draft.  Once complete, it will be distributed to each Grange in Pomona B for review along with a notice for the Organizational Meeting.  As has been done in A and C, please review the by-laws carefully in each Grange and make your voice known at the Organizational Meeting.  This is your opportunity to help form this Pomona.



The Organizational Meeting for this Pomona was held on January 21 at Ekonk Community Grange in Sterling.  The by-laws drafted by committee were reviewed and adopted by the Pomona.

The name selected by this Pomona is:  EASTERN CONNECTICUT POMONA

The new Master of this Pomona is Noel Miller of Coventry Grange #75 (and your State Master!).  The Charter Application has been completed and will be forwarded to National Grange as soon as possible.

This Pomona had an additional issue to consider - the fate of Good Will Grange Hall in Glastonbury.  At the closing of East Central Pomona, this hall was turned over to the Connecticut State Grange during the interim between the closing of ECP and the opening of Eastern Conn. Pomona.  At that time, the new Pomona members had the option of either keep the hall for their use or to release the hall to the Connecticut State Grange.  Their decision was to turn over the hall completely to the State Grange.  Your Executive Committee will now work on a plan for maintenance and possible upgrades to this hall.  More on this later.



As we move towards the completion of all three Charter Applications, the necessary paperwork will be filed with the State of Connecticut and the IRS to establish corporate and tax identities for the three new Pomonas.  This will be handled by the State Grange Secretary.  

The 990-N filings for the seven closed Pomonas will also be handled by the Central Office.  All will be closed with the IRS and the final Annual Reports will be filed with the CT Secretary of State’s office along with the closing paperwork.

It is the intent of the State Executive Committee to make this process as easy as possible for each of the new and old Pomonas.

At the appropriate time, the membership information for each Grange will be forwarded to the new Secretaries to allow them time to establish their new record keeping systems.



Our members have spoken loudly about Pomona.  We want to keep the Pomona structure in our State.  We have been given a new framework within which to work.  The new treasuries of each Pomona allows them to work comfortably without immediate financial concerns.  Our greatest concern, however, should be that every Pomona member gives the support necessary to ensure our Pomonas will succeed.  It’s time to prove Pomona can be a viable and relevant part of the Grange today.


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